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PROMPT [string]

* If no parameter is typed, the current prompt setting will be shown.

eg.     prompt

* If a prompt string is specified, the current prompt setting
  will be changed to that string. The character "%" specifies a
  special prompt option:
    %p      Insert whole path of current directory.
    %s      Insert last part of the path of current directory.
    %n      Insert CLI number
    %l      Insert current input line number (for fun!)
    %c      Insert last command (for even more fun ! :-)

* You can use control sequences like in the  ECHO  command.

eg.     prompt "%p> "     {default prompt. Show current directory + ">"}
        prompt "%n.%s> "  {show CLI number, then current dir, then ">"}
        prompt Hello!     {shows "Hello!" at the start of every line}
        prompt %p^J^*32m> {Just try it!}